Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I don't exactly know how I feel about all the hoopla today. On one hand I am excited and happy, that the UN is recognizing what today is, and I know that is a huge deal. But then the pessimistic side of me wonders, if the focus on Diabetes in Children and Adolescents is really going to be enough. Is one day focusing on that theme going to be enough, with all the confusion out there about the types of diabetes? I know I'm lucky to be able to have certain access to technology to help me control this disease. But I don't want to control it, I want it to go away. Not just for me, but for the countless kids all over the world who have been diagnosed, those who are yet to be, and those who might never be and will not be treated. I don't want this day to pass by and then have the month end, and where will we be? Still waiting for a cure. I don't really know if this is a "Happy" World Diabetes Day. I would be happier if there were no such thing as diabetes and then we wouldn't need one stinking day of the year to be heard. In my world everyday is a World Diabetes Day, and until there is a cure it will remain that way. The day is young, and I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens...


Scott S said...

I want this to go away, too. Diabetes sucks, and WDD is not a cause for celebration, but a day of great sadness that the world should even have to recognize this because medicine has failed to eradicate this disease. We are the lucky ones, some kids cannot even get insulin to save their lives. Lets hope this day brings attention to that issue!

Unknown said...

can i just say "ditto?"

d i t t o .

Donna said...

I understand what you mean. It's kind of difficult to say "happy" world diabetes day, isn't it?