Monday, September 3, 2007

T-Minus 1 day-ish!

Until the CGMS and doctor's appointment, suprisingly I am not nervous for it at all.
I just wanted to say Happy Labor Day to everyone! I have been very inattentive to my comments, I will catch up on those soon. My blood sugars have been pretty good minus those wake-up/breakfast ones after nights when I sleep through the 3 am alarm. I had a great weekend of good numbers while away at my grandparents house, which is extremely unusual. This is just a quick update. I will be back on Wednesday to talk about my experience with the IE and CGMS sensor insertion.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jillian.

Glad to hear about your weekend of good sugars. I had some decent ones, myself, mostly because I am getting more heavily into the exercise thing.

I look forward to your post later in the week about the CGMS. Good luck.


Cara said...

Hey! Good luck. I am going Thursday or Friday to "borrow" the doctor's CGMS for 3 days. They are trying to get my insurance to pay for me one of my owns. Cross your fingers. And keep us updated on how your appointment goes!